The many rewards of music (guitar!) lessons
As I’ve pointed out in some previous blogs (and will continue to do so in the future), learning a musical instrument has many advantages. For example, playing a musical instrument improves cognition and memory, reduces stress, and helps teach perseverance.
I have already been reaping the benefits of picking up guitar, including in the social realm. I often bring up my current successes and failures with guitar in everyday conversation with friends and family, or whenever I meet someone new.
People are always fascinated to hear my story of how I played guitar when I was in high school and how I decided to pick it up again recently. It especially comes as a shock when they realize how and when I find time to practice – for example, during work hours in my car anytime I can get away from my ball and chain desk for a break (shh…) . I’d have to admit guitar has unleashed a side of my personality that I lost somewhere along the way of adolescence and adulthood. Though the stresses of ordinary life suppressed my love for music, starting guitar again has helped me in more ways than one since I started. I feel more interesting, creative, sharper, and well-rounded. I love it!
Learning an instrument can open up a side of yourself you may have never met before; give yourself the opportunity to grow as a person and let your musical personality shine – pick up your favorite instrument and give yourself a chance to be someone new!
Here’s a great article on music and brain development and how music helps auditory learners.