You got to pay to play…!!! To play guitar like a pro, you need to practice like a pro.
Being out of the guitar game for so many years, it felt nearly impossible to make time to practice my guitar lessons. I tried to practice guitar at least 15 minutes a day – but was told to be proficient, I should be practicing 45 minutes a day, 7 days a week. With an insanely busy TriValley life, that seems a little impractical for me. However, making time for 30 minutes a day – breaking it up in two 15 minute sessions, hasn’t been too difficult. I’m trying to work up to three 15 minute sessions per day. After telling Rex about this issue at my last in-home guitar lesson in Livermore, he assured me most people encounter this issue since they are integrating guitar into their life – it’s new, so as with any new thing in your life, it takes time to adjust. [Read more…]