Your Guitar Can Help You Express the Breadth & Depth of Human Experience
If you love the guitar, you have to be familiar with – While My Guitar Gently Weeps by George Harrison… NO? Surely you’ve heard of the Beatles? NO? Man, how did you get on this site???
One of my basic motivations for teaching guitar is because I want to share the joy of music as a form of expressing oneself – spiritually, emotionally, energetically, intellectually – the whole enchilada of being human. Picking up and playing the guitar is one way of not letting the little things in life get us down, it’s also a way of helping us to go deeper into any emotion, feeling or experience – positive or negative.
Playing the guitar, or any musical instrument, is a means to explore and express how we see and experience life… it can be great therapy for whatever ails us! Playing guitar can bring joy no matter what level our level of skill.
It’s especially gratifying and rewarding for me when a student sends me an unsolicited testimonial about my methodology and the uplifting experience they are getting from it. A very dedicated student who I have had the pleasure of working with for some time, recently sent me this text message
“Wow! So this guy, Kevin, came over to jam today. I am realizing exactly how much better I’ve gotten on the guitar since I started my lessons with you. My friend was impressed too and he has some music background. I gave him your Guitar Confidence business card and a flyer. He seems very interested and may be contacting you. Just wanted to say again, Thank You. As a student of yours I may pay a litte bit of tuition over time, but the “learnings” received are non-perishable. The musical joy lasts a lifetime – it’s so pleasurable to play better than I ever have and my guitar confidence grows on and on. Peace and Love.” – Tracey – American Canyon California.
When I get notes like this, it’s not only my guitar that weeps, but my heart as well – with joy and gratitude – Rock ON Tracey!