Livermore CA Guitar Student Hates Guitar Nubs
A couple of months prior to actually starting guitar lessons in Livermore CA, I was merely entertaining the idea of picking up guitar again. One of my concerns – as I’m always telling Rex (guitar instructor) – is that I don’t want to have ‘nubs’! What am I referring to; what are these nubs that I speak of? Simplest way to put it: when your nails are super short. Yes, Rex, I understand, it’ll sound better or whatever if your nail is below your flesh line, but that’s something I refuse to sacrifice!
So, back to the main story…a few months ago, while I was merely entertaining the idea of picking up guitar again…I was thinking, I can’t sacrifice having normal nail length because not only do I like having normal length nails, but I model – and there’s not much of a market for models with nubby nails… Aside from this ‘setback,’ if you will, my brother always said, “I can’t play guitar because my nail hits whatever I’m touching before my finger, even if they’re short”. I realized I had the same ‘issue’ of having the same type of fingernails. Looking into this theory of his, I discovered it’s simply a misconception; anyone can learn to play with practice and dedication.
Then, I got this bright idea. I could invent something that would save everyone’s fingers! Some sort of guitar glove for your left hand. Fast forward, I pretty much ditched the idea for whatever reason. Now, post first lesson, I had achy, tender fingers and couldn’t practice longer than a few minutes at a time. I know it takes time to adjust, but it hurt and was uncomfortable. I hopped onto my computer and started to research some solutions. Aha! Someone had already thought of my amazing invention and created Gorilla Tips. They’re little tips that fit snugly around your finger tips and ease the pain when you play. I read a couple reviews and was sold on them – I ordered them right away.
When I got them, I popped them on and picked up my Fender and was ready to rage (or so I thought – I forgot I only had one lesson thus far). My review on them: they made it a little more difficult to play; they sort of get in the way and actually started tearing with less than 5 hours of total guitar play. Gorilla Tips help ease you into playing, don’t require you to cut your nails shorter than normal length, and conditioning your fingertips, but aren’t really a long-term solution. Using them has helped decrease the discomforting sensitivity and I didn’t have to cut my nails incredibly short, so I don’t regret the buy. But I’m going to continue looking for another solution and will report back with my findings…
Conclusion and moral of the story: There are always a million things that can hold you back, but it only takes one to keep you going. But, where there’s a will, there’s a way.