Dublin – Pleasanton CA – When the student is ready the guitar master appears – with the help of Google & Yelp!
Lost and confused, not knowing where to start looking for someone to teach me how to rebuild the relationship with my Fender guitar, I started where any person would. Google. Google led me to Yelp. As I browsed the various instructors in the Tri-Valley – Dublin/Pleasanton CA area, a sense of fear suddenly irked my soul.
The Guitar Instructor from Hell
I remembered why mom had made me quit guitar lessons in the first place. I had a horrible guitar teacher! I remembered how he would get frustrated during lessons since my small hands couldn’t reach the right frets. I remembered how he would teach me complicated songs in no particular order and get upset when I had no idea what I was doing. I thought he was being paid for a reason—to teach me since I didn’t know how to play and needed help. Right? Anyway, fast forward to present time, I decided to put the fear aside and give someone a shot. But not without doing extensive research first. I was traumatized after all. Okay, exaggerating a little again. The plethora of guitar instructors made it difficult to choose—but I decided to weed through them by reading reviews and looking into their experience. After reading all of the excellent reviews on Guitar Confidence, I browsed around the website. It is full of a ton of resources, videos, testimonials, articles, and easy to navigate. 10 minutes later, I decided to see what Rex had to offer since he seemed like a well-seasoned guitar player.
The Dublin/Pleasanton Guitar Guru from Heaven
I was surprised at how fast I got a response. 15 minutes! I might have just gotten lucky since he does have a lot of other students—which I can now see why. He followed up with a phone call and scheduled the first available lesson that fit my schedule. Rex was great at accommodating my schedule and I could definitely tell he knew what he was doing – he pretty much asked all the right questions so that I didn’t have any at the end of the phone call. We planned to meet 2 weeks down the line and I couldn’t wait to start. Conveniently, Guitar Confidence offers mobile service where the instructor comes to you. Time is a precious commodity in this day and age, so having someone come to you is fantastic.
Find out how the first lesson went in my next Guitar Confidence blog post!