How to lay down guitar tracks for songs you create
So I just finished recording rhythm and lead guitar tracks to a 10-song album of my originals. As I compose a song I start with a basic hook. In classical music they call it a motif which is a basic melodic idea of 2 to 8 notes repeated throughout the composition.
Step 1: Guitar players call it a riff. The golden rule for all songwriters, beginners to advanced, is you must hit the listener’s ears with the hook within first 20 seconds of song for it to have commercial success. Good examples are Eric Clapton’s “Layla” or Rolling Stones “Satisfaction”.
Step 2: Lay a chord progression for the hook and then a lay different chord progression for the bridge.
Step 3: Write a music chart (Lead Sheet) in pencil with melody and lyrics and chord changes.
Step4: Then write a bass guitar chart, a drum chart and a keyboard chart.
Step 5: Lay down basic rhythm section tracks starting with bass, drums, keyboards and finally rhythm guitar tracks (at least two different tracks). Finish with lead guitar tracks.
On one track, I used clean guitar track and 2nd lead track distortion. On the two rhythm tracks, one is dry clean with no effects except a little delay. Then 2nd rhythm track I’m using heavy chorus effects which makes an electric guitar sound like a 12 string. I’m also using major and minor 7,9 and 11ths and 13ths which are very rich in sound.
I’m using a Paul Reed Smith Electric Guitar and a Line 6 Pod Pedal with volume/ wah pedal. If you have any questions, please post questions on website or feel free to email me if you have further questions. If you are artist in San Francisco Bay Area, check out Consumer Music in Vallejo California at 707-642-7368 and for two top engineers, ask for either Bill Mooney or James Early.
Here is an original composition of guitar and music tracks written and performed by me (Rex Bell). For guitar lessons and instruction on how to lay down tracks for your musical compositions contact me (Rex Bell – Rex@GuitarConfidence.com). East Bay of California – Alamo, Benicia, Concord, Danville, Dublin, Martinez, Pleasanton, San Ramon, Vallejo.
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