Whole Steps vs. Half Steps on the Guitar Neck
One of the things I often find confusing, most likely because I am still learning, is guitar terminology. During my last lesson with Rex in Livermore CA, I’ve finally drilled in what it means to move up or down a whole or half step. Steps are intervals – they describe the distance between two frets. Fret one is closest to the head and the count increases as you get closer to the body.
The same rules apply to any string. There is a starting note, interval spacing and a destination note. A half step is equivalent to one fret space (between a starting and destination note). A whole step is equivalent to the distance of two fret spaces between starting and destination notes. So, if you are to move down a half step from the 3rd fret, you end up on the 2nd fret; if you are to move up a whole step from the 1st fret, you end up on the 3rd fret.
- 1st string, 2nd fret
- 4th string, 4th fret
- 6th string, 2nd fret
Stay tuned for more guitar terminology clarifications in future blogs!
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