Play the Blues in Danville Restaurants
Tucks Blues is a 12 Bar Blues in G by Tuck Andress, a monster jazz guitarist. Originally from Oklahoma, Tuck now resides in Bay Area.
To play Tucks Blues, I would recommend keeping your pick in your right hand and use remaining right hand fingers in a pinching style because your goal is to eventually solo. This arrangement must be mastered one bar at a time. Practice very slow.
This arrangement creates a walking bass line which means the bass player plays notes on every beat like and upright stand-up jazz bassist would. Then on the up beat of beat one known as the second eight note you pinch with remaining 3 fingers. This creates the 1940s big band jazz feel.
Give a listen and use my suggested fingering and have fun. If you need help contact me.
Download the sheet music for Tuck’s Blues
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