Caution, Bobble-Head at Work
After a few weeks of trying to work with the Metronome, I’ve given up. It seems as though it is simply not doing the job. I really tried to make it work but it was too frustrating so I came up with another technique to keep track of the beats in a measure. Judging my my improvement during lessons, it is working.
Sometimes when I am practicing, I am sitting cross-legged, preventing me from being able to use my feet to tap the ground for a beat. So, I tried simply counting out loud. At first, I felt kind of silly doing it since I had to verbalize each beat, but now my counting has become quieter and sometimes I just count in my head. I believe this means that the technique is becoming internalized!
If you’re having trouble using your metronome, try counting out loud, tapping your foot to the beat, or nodding your head. Any of these techniques can help improve your playing as you will train yourself to play notes on beat. If a metronome does work for you, or you’d like to try it, they are fairly inexpensive, and you can probably get plenty for free via smartphone download. Try out what works for you. Everyone doesn’t learn the same way after all.
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