Place your guitar in a convenient, ‘in-your-face’ location
Increasing accessibility of your instrument can make you practice way more. I discovered this when I had brought my guitar to my parents’ house. Normally, I keep it in the case and on the amp if I’m at my house. Since I had left my guitar case downstairs and randomly decided to practice upstairs in my room, I had stuck my guitar on top of my dresser. As much as I didn’t like having a crowded tabletop, I actually ended up picking it up randomly quite a few times and practicing. Consequently, I got a greater amount of practice last week playing off and on whenever I walked by my guitar.
This leads me to the conclusion that placing your instrument in a convenient, ‘in-your-face’ location would most likely result in you practicing more. I ended up practicing while watching TV, which although not recommended, it worked out for me since I become wrapped up in guitar and just had the TV on in the background. I did this with music as well – keep in mind, this might make it harder for some people focus. Either way, try keeping your instrument somewhere you can just grab it and play any time you get a spare moment, that way you get additional practice time!
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