Creativity doesn’t always come easy – it takes practice.
When we are children, the world is full of possibilities and there are few limitations. But where does that all go? It gets lost somewhere along the way of adolescence and adulthood for most of us, as we are coerced into the schooling system followed by getting a j.o.b. The arts are encouraged when you are younger, but the value of them is often decreased as other items become priority. As a scientist and student of life, I’ve researched some ways to maintain and allow our creativity to take flight. Amongst these techniques are exercise, drawing, and music.
Simply listening to music can increase our creativity processes, allowing our mind to become open to solutions for problem solving, becoming inspired, or calming our soul. It is one of the best and easiest forms of expression – there is no right or wrong way to listen to or make music, which is where the magic of creativity comes in. I often listen to classical music or instrumentals if I’m working on art work painting or drawing, and sometimes even reading if I can’t focus due to surrounding noises or conversation.
I’ve noticed since I’ve reconnected with the art of music in the San Ramon CA area, guitar has helped increase my creativity. As I learn various chords and notes and how to move gracefully along the frets, I know my brain is being rewired and my cognitive processes are improving. Each time I make a mistake and go back and practice, it becomes a little easier.
It is difficult to learn guitar as a beginner and I have been struggling with what often feels like information overload. But in time, I’m sure playing guitar and reading notes will become second nature to me. The key here is to remember it takes practice and that one must learn to move past the hiccups and frustrations when you get stuck or forget some things – it’s all a part of the learning process!
Get your first guitar lesson in San Ramon FREE from Rex (925) 695-7060
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