Adding Guitar Lessons to Your Life!
It’s been about 6 months since I started learning the art of electric guitar. There have been peaks and valleys, uphill struggles and downhill coatings, but I continue to take the good and bad. It’s all a learning process.
I started out with a song and chord sheet before moving to the first Guitar Method book. Now, I’m nearly through with it. The book was excellent with instructor guidance. On days I had to miss lessons, I was still able to read ahead and get a general idea of how to practice the technique. The book goes string by string so it’s very easy to follow and I believe it builds a strong foundation. Although there’s a CD that comes along with it, I haven’t had the pleasure to pop it in and see how well I match up to the real deal, but I’m okay with that. Hoping to progress even further in the next 6 months so I can learn some songs and have total guitar confidence!
Guitar Teacher Rex adds:
In continuing with beginning guitar lessons the first six months you have to give yourself a chance for you to get into the right schedule and you want to pick the right teacher that teaches you a combination of songs and reading real music. As you’re learning guitar in the first six months, you must also learn how to tap your foot and keep your eyes on the music. Learn how to strum in rhythm and change courts. The best books today:
I also highly recommend a music stand. It’s called a tabletop music stand under $20 on Amazon. It’s incredible you can take it anywhere. Put it on any surface so you have the music out that you want to practice.
I recommend students always check to see if their guitar is in tune before they practice.. The best tuner clip on is SNARK GUITAR TUNER $10 .
Today I taught in Dublin California a father and son duo on guitar. They’ve been with me six months and they support each other and they’re working together great as a team. I highly recommend family members doing guitar lessons together.
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