Learning to Play Lead Guitar
As I teach many beginner to advanced guitarist at their homes in the East Bay, I cover all age levels and requests of students wanting to spice up their lead playing skills of blues, rock guitar, jazz guitar both electric and acoustic. But all lead guitarists first start by learning rhythm guitar. Assuming you already know basic open chord voicing’s as well as basic bar chord formations, you are ready to play a la Steve Ray, Larry Carlton, Robin Ford, Joe Pass, Joe Satriani, Pat Methenany, George Benson , the late Chet Athins or the late Les Paul.
You will notice I have 5 chord sounds with roots, 3rds and 5ths in the bass string which in these examples is based on string 6 starting with Major , G Major 7th, Gdominantn7th, G Major 6th and finally Gminor7th. You must master one pattern at a time able to play all 5 patterns smoothly. This could take days up to months depending on chord knowledge.
Please notice that you keep pick in your right picking hand and play a different bass note on every four beats. But the cool aspect of this is that on the upbeat of both beats one and three you pinch strings4,3 and 2 altogether giving the listening ear multiple parts going at same time. You sound like many players playing but just some excellent walking bass patterns . As always check out enclosed PDF file with chord diagrams and fingerings.
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