East Bay Guitar Lessons for Christmas & Holiday Songs
Christmas Time Is Here is an intermediate to advanced arrangement I perform every December at Church and Christmas gigs I perform in San Francisco as well as entire East Bay Area. Of course this song is well known also in Charlie Browns Christmas Animation Video.
So I have included my jazz chord diagrams and also a lead sheet format which includes chord changes on top, the melody is in standard notation and lyrics below lyrics. My arrangement uses jazz chords which means 7ths, 9ths, 11ths and 13ths which are known as color tones. Triads have four sounds of 1.) Major 2.) Minor 3.) Augmented 4.) Diminished which have basic three notes known as root, third and fifth degree of major scale. When you extend the triads by adding the 7th, 9th, 11th and 13ths wow, what beautiful colors.
Please go to following link which is the best basic music theory in common words you will ever find.
Since we are on the subject of Christmas time here is an advanced arrangement of mine of Christmas Classic “Greensleeves” which is also known as “What Child Is This.” My arrangement uses all jazz formations and you can play as a solo arrangement or as a duo with a bass guitarist or piano player or another guitarist.
I have included PDF files for all above and enjoy. Please tell friend about my great guitar lessons half off special for Christmas season and guitar packages for as cheap as $49.95.
Listen to the mp3 below and click on the “Greensleeves” link above to hear a more blues version.
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