Dublin CA Guitar Guru fans my Guitar Love
Growing up, I loved music – I still do. All kinds. Rock, hip hop, oldies, blues, reggae, Bhangra, international music, jazz, classical, Mo-Town, you name it. It’s one of the most beautiful of art forms that speaks a universal language – and interpretation is open to each individual’s unique perspective. At age 13, I started saving up for an electric guitar and a year later I headed to Guitar Center in Sacramento to pick up an instrument for my own artistic expression.
Following my Fender Squier and amp purchase, I began using the Fender Method booklet to try to learn. It was pretty difficult to wrap my head around on my own, so, after asking around, some fellow musician friends directed me to an instructor they raved about in Dublin CA. I started lessons that unfortunately came to a halt in a number of months. I was forced to quit lessons over some miscommunication between the parents and the instructor. Ironically, I didn’t have much to show for the months of lessons anyway.
After my mother shattered my hopes, dreams, and aspirations to become a world-renowned rock star (okay, maybe that’s a little exaggerated – but at least be in a band!), I thought I had packed up and put away my guitar for good at age 15.
Years passed as it collected dust, propped up on its amp in the corner of my room…yet I still couldn’t find it in my heart to do away with it completely. It had become a permanent fixation in my room with friends and family always asking why I even had it if I never played it. There must have been some hope in my broken little heart that I would someday pick up where I left off and pursue my dreams once again.
That day came for me about a month ago, almost a decade later. It had been in the back of my mind for some time, and I thought, if not now, then when? But, do I have time for it? No. No one has time. You have to make time for things that matter to you. The key is, to make effective use of the limited time you may have. And to do that, my friend, you need to find the perfect guitar instructor.
Stay tuned to find out what reeled me in to take lessons with Mr. Rex Bell, Dublin CA Guitar Guru.
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