Keeping the Beat with a Metronome
Starting out playing a guitar can be difficult and overwhelming at times – keeping your fingers arched, picking the right strings, having your left fingers on the right string and the right fret, and making transitions between notes smooth, and reading music, all while keeping a steady beat. This is something I’ve been somewhat struggling with. This week, I found a solution after going through my small music toolbox.
I pulled out a 10 year old KORG metronome that I had been instructed to purchase by my former guitar teacher. Yet, I was never taught how to use it, although I knew what it was for. Fortunately, it’s in perfect condition with full battery life and ready to use. This week I shall start practicing with that on and although the ticking is quite irking, I believe it will help for some time since I am still a beginner. If you’re having trouble maintaining a beat, try using a metronome to see if it works for you – there are free apps you can download onto your smart phone.
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